Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
How not to get your bike stolen
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
What's in a name?
Well, quite a lot if your name happens to be Lance Armstrong.
For starters, ‘Lance’ is an anagram of ‘Clean’. Lance may well want to add that to his defense down at the grand jury. Why not?
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Bikes Make Life Better
I am for bikes. I'm for long rides and short rides. I'm for commuting to work, weekend rides, racing, riding to school, or just a quick spin around the block. I believe that no matter how I ride, biking makes me happy and is great for my health, my community and the environment we all share. That is why I am pledging my name in support of a better future for bicycling—one that is safe and fun for everyone. By uniting my voice with a million others, I believe that we can make our world a better place to ride.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Drugs in Cycling
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Hipster City Cycle

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Chamaeleonidae Bicyclettoras
(Please read this post with a David Attenborough accent).
What we see here is very exciting. The Chamaeleonidae Bicyclettoras, or Chameleon Bicycle as it is commonly known, is an extremely rare breed made all the more extraordinary by its ability to blend into its environment and literally disappear. This colour-changing ability has evolved over many years as a theft-defense mechanism.
Unfortunately, this defense mechanism has been so successful that it has had several tragic side effects, all results of the fact that the species is essentially invisible. The first is that when people go into bike shops they do not see the Chameleon Bicycle on display, as it's invisible. This problem is partially countered by the fact that sales staff do generally attempt to sell the bikes. That said, it is not uncommon for staff to forget where the bikes are displayed, which almost always leads to a less evolved bicycle being purchased.
Another problem is the Chameleon Bicycle's image, or rather, lack thereof. More than one professional photographer has been driven to madness through vain attempts to capture an image of the bicycle that would be even close to suitable for an advertisement.
The fact that it is literally impossible to advertise this bicycle has reduced the Chameleon's numbers in two ways. Firstly, and not surprisingly, many people have simply never heard of it. Secondly, many of those that have heard of it are simply not interested as it doesn't contribute in any way to their image. In this day and age of style and materialism, the bicycle is for many an integral part of their 'look'. As the Chameleon has no apparent look, it is useless as any sort of fashion accessory.
The final, and perhaps most tragic side effect of the Chameleon's invisibility is that many people who do own one of these bicycles simply lose them. If I had a penny for every time I heard the sorry tale of the misplaced Chameleon, I would be a rich man. I once heard of a man who lost his Chameleon after a year of happy partnership. Heartbroken by his loss, he never rode again. He died several decades later having lived a full and rich life. It was when his house was being cleaned out that one of his sons found the Chameleon leaning up against the wall in the hallway. It had been there the whole time! As I say, tales of this nature are not uncommon.
So, it should come as no surprise that the Chameleon Bicycle is now facing extinction. In fact, there are thought to be only three or four hundred left in the wild, although of course it's hard to say for sure.
The photos below were taken earlier today and show a Chameleon in the wild.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Gates of Eden Cycling Club
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The Angry, the Stupid and the Sanctimonious
Another thing that was the same old story was the readers' comments under the article. I haven't read all 119 comments, just the first 43, but I think I've read enough to get a good taste of what's on offer.
Basically, there are five types of readers; the measured response; angry drivers; sanctimonious cyclists; just plain angry; and the idiot. I've compiled some samples of each of these below. Sorry about the spelling and grammar; I thought about correcting it all, but it somehow seems more fitting not to.
The measured response
The measured response is a rarely seen response that must be celebrated when come across. It recognises that no one group is at fault and that everyone must make an effort to improve safety on the roads. If you take one thing away from this post, take this attitude.
As both a cyclist and a driver, I see and experience much of what has been mentioned in this article. However I think it's important that ALL road users start taking better care on the road.
There are many bicycle & motorbike riders who do very stupid things on the road, but there are equally as many car & truck drivers who so the same.
Mars - May 16, 2011, 8:45AM
Angry drivers
Angry drivers are angry. They hate cyclists and think that anyone who rides a bike is one of either a: self-important lycra lout; left wing pinky; a hipster on a fixed-gear.
I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for cyclists. Firstly, they have attitudes. They somehow think they are better humans by riding instead of driving. Ok, it's fine if you are "saving the world", and "have an attitude" at the same time, but most of them don't obey traffic rules, especially in red lights, roundabouts, etc. And worse, many of them don't use lights, and don't use reflective clothing. I've come so close to hittng them especially in the dark and in the rain. Somehow, because they are "slim", they think they can manevour around traffic and intersection, creating dangers for everyone including themselves. When all cars become electric, and when everyone can generate his/her own electricity with solar panels and domestic windpower, cars will be as green as bicycles, and cyclists will no longer hold the "moral highground", but only "dangerous lowground".
Cyclists have attitudes and are dangers to themselves and everyone | Melbourne - May 16, 2011, 9:50AM
ok good ride to work but the law should be changed too, some ideas - pay rego any thing on the roads must be have rego, they should have .05 too, must wear bright clothing at all times, heavy fines , lose points on thier license if caught going through a red light, causing injurying to people who get off the tram's, not allowed to bring bikes on trains as they can ride to places. you want to be treated fairly so thier is some ides for the goverment council to think about. im sick of them everyday nearly get knocked or someone getting hurt for these wan kers dont follow the simple road rules they have
dom | melb - May 16, 2011, 9:00AM
I cannot tell you how many times I have nearly hit cyclists in peak hour. Mainly as a result of - no lights, dark clothing, weaving in and out of traffic, disobeying spped and road laws and thinking they are invincible. I dont want to hit a cyclist, but when they drive in front of my car and I am doing the speed limit, they will come off second best. Cyclists should be educated about safe ways to ride bikes, and dont blame all the drivers for the accidents.
Tim | Melbourne - May 16, 2011, 8:25AM
The sanctimonious cyclist
The sanctimonious cyclist thinks highly of him/herself. Some of them hate all drivers. Some of them hate cyclists who don’t ride by the book. Either way, they know they’re right and aren’t shy to let you know it.
As a cyclist, I would like to see a law that makes it illegal for cyclist to use roads when there is a cycle lane. I agree with M of Kensington - the idiots you see cycling on Footscray Rd when there is a perfectly good cycle lane off the road is amazing. I understand motorist frustration when they see cyclists do stupid things like that. I call on all cyclists to set an example for other cyclists including saying something to the morons who go through red lights.
Andrew | Melbourne - May 16, 2011, 8:41AM
Precisely! It's up to us, as cyclists, to set an example to each other, and bring peer pressure to bear on idiot red light runners. Every commuter cyclist has a responsibility to verbally abuse any fellow cyclist who disobeys the laws of the road.
Drivers run red lights all the time, and no one seems to mind. But if one cyclist does it, and all hell breaks loose. One way to begin to get some respect is to get 100% compliance.
Shane | Melbourne - May 16, 2011, 8:56AM
Hi Wally, are you saying drivers paying $625.00 for Rego and TAC should be happy to pay for those who contribute nothing to use public roads? Lets agree on the CBD being car free. Let cyclist pay for bicycle infrastructure. What would we have? **sound of crickets and the odd baby crying**
By the way, I cycle close to 100km a week on my Commencal Meta 4. I don't annoy car drivers or put myself in danger. Paths are paid for with our expensive Water Bill and Council Rates. And this, EVERYBODY pays for.
Surely those "angry cyclist" making comments do not own cars. Come on.
YJ | Off the Beaten Track - May 16, 2011, 9:26AM
Just Angry
These people kind of just hate everyone. They're awesome.
I am a car driver, bike rider and I have never had a motor bike. Very aware of bike riders, but can't stand gung ho the road is mine, get out of my way abuse that comes from a certain group of bike riders. Bike lanes are a good thing, stay in them and off the major roads. Motorbike riders can go to hell. You seem to feel that you have a god given right to speed, weave in and out of traffic and that we all must be able to see you no matter where you are or might be 2 seconds later.
Yorkia | melbourne - May 16, 2011, 8:43AM
Shifting priorities is a positive authoritarian move.. One way the government can make the plight of the most vulnerable road uses (motorcyclists, pushbike riders and pedestrians) better would be to give all road uses the same experience. If people had to spend 2-3 years on a motorcycle or scooter before they can get a car license, attitudes would change. This would also have other benefits for road safety. The cage driving hoon problem would significantly drop. And as the article pointed out if their were more Motorcycles and push bikes on the road the will be more visible. But authoritarian changes are not going to happen, until the governments, are forced to do so. So in the meantime the individual must make changes to their own road behaviors. Question for motorcyclists: How many of you have a lead wrist? (Be honest to yourself) Question for bicyclists and pedestrians: How many of you wear your I pods whilst riding or walking on the street? ( be honest to yourself) And to the Lycra covered bicycle gangs out there, does the arrogance cease after you put your multi-thousand dollar weekend toy on the back of you 4WD? The individual must change attitudes before the dream of government change.
Lonerider | Dandenong Ranges - May 16, 2011, 9:16AM
The Idiot
This is a special section just for "Chrish" (Chris? Cherish? Don't know, but definitely stupid).
It's the stupid bikes they ride! Particularly the handlebars. They're racing bikes, designed to get the bum up and head down. This greatly reduces both the rider's field of vision, and their height, making them harder to be seen by drivers. These style bikes should be banned from our roads except for legitimate training and competitions. The irony is you rarely see riders using lower grip on the handlebars, but even with the higher grip, the head is too low and too restricted in its movement. Commuter and casual riding bikes need handlebars that aren't too wide (an issue with the mountainbike style handlebars) and allow the rider's head to be high.
Chrish | Vic - May 16, 2011, 9:01AM
The End
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Book Review - My Bike
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Le Dossier Secret de l'UCI
Here's the list for your perusal:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
The Cycling Arena: Beauty and Tragedy
The cycling arena knows no numbered seats, or any seats for that matter, save for the ground or the camping chair you bring along with you. There are no turnstiles or hotdog vendors. If it rains, you get wet. If you want to touch your heroes, there are no security guards or barriers to stop you. If you stand close enough, you will be sprayed with their sweat.
You don't pay to see cycling. There is no one to pay. No one owns the roads any more than you. In this way, cycling is more a part of its fans, and fans more a part of cycling, than any other sport.
After World War II, the cities and roads of Europe were in a serious state of disrepair. People were poor and had little to eat. The wind had well and truly been taken out of everyone's sails, "winners" and "losers" alike. One thing that gave people hope was cycling. While most racing was halted during the war, it very quickly resumed soon after. Cyclists such as Fausto Coppi and Gino Bartali, whose careers straddled the war, picked up where they left off and gave people a show. And it was a show people could enjoy without paying a penny, or a lire, or a franc. The very stars whose exploits were described in excited tones over the wireless were riding on the same bombed, cracked, shelled roads that everyone else had to use.
These men inspired. Sure, they didn't rebuild Europe, but they helped and they gave people some entertainment along the way.
Cycling has changed little since those halcyon days. Of course bikes are lighter, there are helmets and race radios. Training and nutrition have advanced. Average speeds have increased slightly. But, for all intents and purposes, the essence of the sport has endured. Fans still line the roads in their hundreds and thousands. And if they can't make it, they watch on the modern day equivalent of the wireless. Cyclists still train more than most of us could imagine. Racing is still frantic, nationalistic and political.
The arena of cycling is still the open roads that belong to us all and it is these roads that make cycling everything that it is. Instead of being cocooned in a familiar environment that can be mastered, memorised and tamed, cyclists are forced to adapt to their ever-changing arena. They must make split-second decisions that require skill and bravery.
For them, their field, their pitch, their court, their ground is almost always completely new and unfamiliar. This is what makes cycling beautiful. It is also what makes cycling dangerous and why, every so often, cyclists tragically die.
This morning I woke to the sad and shocking news of the death of two cyclists. One, a young Australian I had never heard of succumbed to injuries he sustained four years ago. The other, a Belgian entering the prime of his career as a professional. These deaths remind us that with the beauty of cycling comes inherent risks. Indeed, this beauty and these risks come hand-in-hand, both originating from the same thing.
The sad truth is, as long as there is cycling there will always, occasionally, be death. That is the nature of the environment that we choose as our arena. I didn't know Shamus Liptrot and I didn't know Wouter Weylandt. Nonetheless, I was struck by a deep sadness at the news that they had both died at the hands of this beautiful sport.
If you'd like to make a donation to Wouter Weylandt's family, you can do so by purchasing a t-shirt here.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Take a Seat
Monday, May 2, 2011
All these are legitimate concerns however I think if there were more of these bike lanes around everyone would become more comfortable with them. I think one of the biggest things to realise with these lanes is that you can't ride quickly. They are Copenhagen-style after all; in Copenhagen, people ride slowly...they cruise.
I know that my less confident cycling friends feel much safer on these lanes. That said, if you're a cyclist that likes to ride quickly, then you should probably consider going another way.
Here's a little video (and my first foray into investigative journalism) from Albert St. in East Melbourne. The city-bound lane, shown in this video, is really good. The outbound lane less so as there are numerous driveways and it is downhill, so cyclists can easily accumulate speed.
With more thought and planning I think these bike lanes could help Melbourne on its quest to Copenhagenize.